


SCGC™ PP P904J is a homopolymer polypropylene resin for thin wall packaging and products with long path length. The resin was designed for high flowability, good properties balance (toughness and stiffness), good diamension stalibity and high clarity. This grade is especially suitable for injection molding process in food, beverage and general packaging application.

Properties Test Methods Value Unit
Melt Flow Rate at 230 °C and 2.16 kg ASTM D 1238 75 g/10 min
Flexural Modulus ASTM D 790 16,500 kg/cm²
Notched Izod Impact Strength at 23°C ASTM D 256 38 J/m
Melting Point ASTM D 2117 160 °C
HDT at 4.6 kg/cm² ASTM D 648 121 °C
US FDA 21 CFR 177.1520 -
Regulation (EU) No.10/2011 -
Directive 94/62/EC on packaging and packaging waste - PPWD