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Sustainable Air Quality Management

SCGC is committed to managing environmental air quality from production processes in order to ensure the quality of air emissions comply with any standards at any time by formulating a proactive air quality management plan for factory premises and surrounding communities, incorporating innovation and advanced technology for factory design, as well as continuously researching, developing, and streamlining the company’s air quality control systems.

Air Quality Management

          SCGC places importance on managing air quality in the factory and surrounding communities by strictly controlling air emissions in accordance with the measures from the Environmental Impact Assessment. We widely applied low NOx burners to reduce the NOx pollution emitted from its source. Besides the operations within our operating sites, we have focused on the surrounding communities and therefore cooperated with the petrochemical industry sector, the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) to initiate a pilot project, managing emissions of 1,3-Butadiene and Benzene vapor by implementing Code of Practice (CoP) in order to reduce the emissions of 1,3-Butadiene and Benzene vapor in Maptaphut, driven by business operators from 5 industrial estates and 1 industrial port since 2018. For past years, the pilot project has been consistently conducted in order to closely monitor, follow up and analyze air quality monitoring results in the areas in order to establish measures for continuous control and improvement. As a result, the ambient air quality monitored by the Pollution Control Department (PCD) has shown a continuous improved trend in the better way. SCGC focuses on air pollution mitigation, shifting toward an operational closed system and installing ground flares for the first time in Maptaphut.

          Furthermore, SCGC focuses on air pollution mitigation, shifting toward an operational closed system and installing ground flares for the first time in Maptaphut. Furthermore, SCGC has also focalized to preventing VOC leakage from the production process by consistent inspection and maintenance of related equipment and facilities. With awareness of the impact on environmental air quality, SCGC has focused on air quality management projects covering all operational activities, including normal operation and turnaround ex. Green Turnaround to ensure the best air quality at all time.

การปลดปล่อยสารอินทรีย์ระเหยง่าย (VOCs)

VOCs(g/ton product)76.1275.2275.8569.98