
Paste Resin

PVC Paste from dispersion process

PVC paste resin or dispersion PVC is a versatile plastic material suitable for blending, with chemical resistance and environmental resilience. It exhibits durability in various environmental conditions and is suitable for a wide range of applications.

SCGC™ PVC: Paste Resin are specialty PVC produced with the use of our distinctive Hybrid Technology which exploits the distinguished properties of two conventional manufacturing processes. The fast polymerization rates achieved through Emulsion Polymerization is combined with the good latex stability and particle size control of Micro Suspension Polymerization.

Paste Resin
K-Value (-) Brookfield Viscosity at 20 rpm (poise) Sever Viscosity at 80 psi (poise)
PC750 76.00 35 100 VIEW
PF621 63.00 113 66 VIEW
PF682 69.00 63 115 VIEW
PF741 74.00 38 80 VIEW
PG680 69.00 34 86 VIEW
PG740 74.00 30 87 VIEW
PG770 79.00 28 101 VIEW