
12 Jun 2014

emisspro : The innovation for a sustainable environment

In the petrochemical, refinery, ceramic and steel – industries, the furnace is a key component in the production process, heating components to achieve desired properties and products. The furnace is a unit operation that uses huge amount of fuel. Because SCG Chemicals sees the importance of energy and environmental conservation, together with SCG Cement – Building Materials, it has created an innovation in high emissvity coating materials to maximize furnaces thermal efficiency results in reduction of energy consumption under the brand emisspro®. 

emisspro® is the first high emissivity coating materials was developed in Thailand and in ASEAN. Once used to apply on the inner furnace walls to maximize thermal radiation absorptivity and emissivity of inner furnace wall resulting on increasing of furnace thermal efficiency and reduction of energy consumption. This means lower emissions of green house gases and has earned emisspro® the SCG eco value standard, which attests to the product being environmentally friendly. We have heard that emisspro® furnace coating has both environmental as well as commercial benefits. emisspro® reduces the fuel consumed by the furnace. This is the most important aspect. However, there are actually a number of other benefits. The more fuel you burn, the more carbon dioxide is emitted and the more you burn, the more NOx (a type of gas emitted from combustion) is released. This has a number of consequences, including environmental ones. If emisspro® is used to apply the furnace, there would be a reduction in both energy consumption and the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

From using emisspro® in our various businesses such as Map Ta Phut Olefins Co.,Ltd. (MOC), Royong Olefins Co., Ltd. (ROC) SCG has reduced our carbon dioxide emissions by more than 100,000 tons per year. We have also extended the product to other industries outside of SCG, including the ceramic and steel industries. This has helped to reduce these industries impact on the environment on a larger scale and encourages green manufacturing. This way industries can sustainably coexist with society and the environment while reducing fuel costs. Apart from actual use in furnaces in SCG factories, emisspro® has also been developed commercially. We not only sell the actual coating materials but we also have a energy solution package that includes how to properly apply the product, maintenance, consultancy etc. That is, we differentiate ourselves through our technological knowledge and expertise. To this day we are still conducting ongoing research and development to apply the product to other industries as this coating materials has worked well with furnaces used in the petrochemical, steel and ceramic industries. We continue to strive to develop energy-saving materials for other industries.

In ASEAN, we are considered the first manufacturer this type of coating materials and we are also among the first globally. However, the products currently available on the market do not all work well. But because SCG Chemicals has factories, we know very well what factories need and we develop our products accordingly to serve the needs and satisfaction of our customers. I can confidently say that our product is second to none in both the Asian and global markets in terms of its properties and efficiency. We have long-term plans for product and business developments. Therefore, I believe that soon the ASEAN market will be too small for emisspro® On factors that led to the successful creation of emisspro® within a very short time span: The main factor was cooperation between many agencies from SCG Chemicals, SCG Cement-Building materials and factories within the group. Because "people" play the most important role in a project s success or failure, we were lucky that everyone was committed to their roles and worked well together. This is what helped us to succeed within such a short amount of time. Energy and environmental conservation is an important issue that affects us all. Therefore, everyone needs to work together to find and carry out solutions to reduce environmental impacts as much as possible.

Apart from manufacturing high quality plastics pellets, SCG Chemicals is committed to developing innovations that add value to environmentally-friendly products like emisspro®. This shows that it is possible for commercial growth and the environment to move forward together. From using emisspro® in SCG manufacturing processes, we have been able to reduce fuel consumption by over 36,500 tons/year and lowered greenhouse gas emissions by over 100,000 tons/year. This is equal to planting 97,000 rai of forest. Today, industrial groups that use emisspro® furnace-coating agent include the petrochemical industry, the ceramic industry and the steel industry.

For more information about our products and services please contact Texplore Co., Ltd., a part of SCG Chemicals. or Texplore-Sale& (+66) 2 586 2576 

For emisspro® properties details and brochure please visit

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