
8 May 2017

Pioneering Inspection Robots in Thailand’s Petrochemical Industry. Pushing the Limits of Human Capacity.

Learn more about the whole crew of SCG Chemicals' assistant robots: the Carburization Inspection Robot (CiBot), the Tank Inspection Robot that can measure the thinckness of petrochemical tanks, and the Aerial Visual Inspection Robot that can be flown to inspect machinery and flare stacks. These robots not only elevate operational safety but also enhance the overall plant managment and benefit communities and the environment. 

The development timeline of SCG Chemicals’ robots

          2009 Research and development of its first robot CiBot (Carburization Inspection Robot)

          2013  Performance enhancement of CiBot (Carburization Inspection Robot) and the first phase of the development of the Tank Inspection Robot

          2014  Development of the Tank Inspection Robot

          2015  Development of the Aerial Visual Inspection Robot

          2016  Performance enhancement of the Tank Inspection Robot and CiBot (Carburization Inspection Robot)


*Carburization Inspection Robot or CiBot Patent Pending Application No. PCT-TH2017-000001

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