
10 Jan 2017

INNOVATION | the SMART SERIES’ Revolutionary Windows, easy installation and leakage prevention

Water can undermine the best of windows. Leaks can pry open seals and corrode joints, creating damage that is expensive and time consuming to fix. In most cases, these leaks are a result of improperly installed windows or poor home construction techniques that prompt the need for expensive, premature repairs.

With an attempt to solve the issue, Windsor’s Research and Development team have now succeeded in engineering the problem out and are ready to announce their latest innovation, The SMART SERIES’ Revolutionary Windows which promises not to weep.

Traditional windows require holes be drilled in the frames for installation screws. If the holes are not sealed properly or the contractor not skilled enough and do not go back to re-seal those holes caused from the installation process; it’s guaranteed you are going to have a leak. It may take two years, may take five, but there is going to be a leak. However, if no holes are drilled at all then? SMART SERIES Window can be installed without any drills. Windsor developed and patented the Zmart Clip which engages in a frame track and locks the window frame into the wall utilizing a high tech concrete fastener which literally cuts threads into the concrete. The clips and screws are then covered by an interior trim system. This is a technology that has never been available in Thailand before.

The second major entry point for water is through the seal between the product and the structure, because the visible seals even­tually expire and start to crack. As this visible seal begins to fail, an entry point for water is created. SMART SERIES windows address this issue by utilizing a dual seal approach. The first and primary seal is a high quality structural silicone, with the second seal being a color matched acrylic. This means when the outside acrylic seal does eventually dry out and fail; the primary silicone seal that’s hidden behind it will not. So even if the superficial seal does cracks, there isn’t going to be a leak.

SMART SERIES are available in different style, shapes, and colors. Their innovative trim systems allow for the installation clips to be cut to different lengths, depending on the style and appearance of the chosen trim. You can achieve the appearance you desire as modern, traditional, and commercial trims are available. As of now these windows are in available in two colors (white and grey). Only the colors that are able to perform under very harsh conditions, be it sun exposure or high temperature are offered in the market.

If you are now thinking, ‘With so many features, it must be expensive.’ then here’s the best news. Its just the contrary. The SMART SERIES Windows are actually cheaper than the traditionally sold Windsor windows, and are likely to cost lesser for installation too. Also keep in mind the money saved on maintenance and energy costs due to no water or air leakage. Contractors who have started using these never ordered traditional windows again.

For more information please contact WINDSOR Call Center : 0-2555-0333 

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