
11 Jul 2016

7 SCG Chemicals subsidiaries recognized with national safety award of merit accolades in 2016

7 subsidiary business units within SCG Chemicals received Outstanding Awards for Safety, Occupation Health and Environment for 5 consecutive years or more at the 30th National Safety Week 2016. The aforementioned Safety awards were presented to companies which demonstrated outstanding success in conducting business operations which promoted exemplary examples of safety, occupation health and environmental work culture; SCG Chemicals places top priority and strict diligence in creating a work culture of safety, based on international safety standards designed to prevent against potential side effects upon the environment and community. Companies which won the prestigious Outstanding Safety awards for 10 consecutive years or more was Rayong Olefins Co., Ltd; while Safety award (Gold level) for 10 consecutive years or more consisted of Thai Plastic and Chemicals Plc, Mitsui PTA Co., Ltd, Thai MMA Co., Ltd and Thai Polyethylene Co., Ltd. Also recognized for winning Safety awards from 5-9 years in a row were Thai MFC and Grand Siam Composite Co., Ltd.

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